Saturday, January 7, 2012
What Happened to Fall!

Posted by CortEmPeterson at 3:41 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Baby Jude
Posted by CortEmPeterson at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 7, 2011
4 Already!
As most everyone knows we found out about our little christmas surprise a few months ago. And have waited patiently for about 10 weeks to see if we are going to have a little chico or chica joining our family. I thought for sure at first it would be a girl and then thought maybe a boy and as I polled the rest of the troops we were split down the middle! Cort, Malaya and I didn't care but Gav wanted another little sister and Noah was pretty sure he doesn't like girls and needed a little brother. So on friday we dropped them off at G & G Bunts and headed to the Dr. The ultrasound tech had a really hard time looking at the little stinker because it was sitting breech and across my stomach and not up and down. So we weren't sure if we were going to get to find out. For some reason all of my children are so shy in the womb and then after birth it is a different story. So we get to the part of the anatomy and she is pushing the little thing around trying to see anything and then there on the screen legs wide open I yelled " Is that what I think it is" and sure enough it is a BOY!!!! Boys will be boys I guess, no shame in letting loose!! We are all super excited except that Noah thought we were going in to have the baby and was mad we didn't bring him home. We are going to enjoy this summer but are equally excited about the end of Sept/ early Oct when we get to meet him!!!!
Posted by CortEmPeterson at 5:53 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Backyard Makeover Post #2
Posted by CortEmPeterson at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 4, 2011
Backyard Makeover
Posted by CortEmPeterson at 3:24 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 25, 2011
The lady that got killed!!
So I have to tell this story of the funeral we attended in McCall. We were sitting in the viewing waiting for the family prayer to begin. We were about the only ones with small children, and the man saying the prayer was an older gentlemen. So he began the prayer and about 2 minutes into it Noah my 3 year old says out loud, " Mom is this lady getting baptized?" I answered ," No, honey she has passed away and is in heaven" So about 1 min later he asks in the same loud voice. "Are they going to put their hands on her head" answered, " No, she has died and is in heaven". At this point I realize this is going to be one long prayer!
Posted by CortEmPeterson at 4:48 PM 6 comments
She is Walking!
Posted by CortEmPeterson at 4:25 PM 1 comments